our exit
when it finally came time to leave...i don't think either of us were ready
we were having so much fun with our friends and family
it was all just too much and our wedding seemed to go by so so fast

saying goodbyes

but we did get to leave in this PHENOMENAL old car...the driver even took us to our hotel
i'll have to get the name of the company and their website for any socal brides looking for a fun get-a-way car. they were very reasonably priced.
and our friend mackenzie made this adorable 'just married' sign for us and put it in the window
it has these lyrics on the back 'always remember there was nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name' (avett brothers)
it now hangs in our little oregon home
life after wedding coming up next...(and hopefully some wedding photos to share from tec soon!)