it feels like they're everywhere. like
here and
they are all over facebook. tons of people who got married shortly before or after we did who are already expecting.
sometimes i get a little baby crazy due to the adorableness everywhere!
via (googleimages-baby)
noah and i had spoken a lot about the subject when we first got married. seeing as we'd already been together for 4 years, i thought we should just start right away.
these were some tough conversations. my whole life my biggest goal has always been to be a mama. i've always loved children and just felt so natural around them, taking care of them.
i was feeling really anxious. then i realized noah was right, we are still really young with a lot more adventuring to do before bringing a little one into the world.
we've never really travelled together, except to NY, once.
and we had much more to see and experience before making a tiny one. (i call babies "tiny(s)" a lot)
anyway, we talked it over and decided to sit down and discuss/write out the goals we wanted to achieve before trying. instead of putting a time frame on it, making this list really seemed to take an enormous amount of pressure and anxiety off of both of us.
has anyone else experienced baby fever lately???
have you had any discussions like this?
i am so so happy for all of those out there experiencing parenthood for the first time right now
and i know when the time is right, noah and i will both know it and be ready
hope you have a lovely friday and weekend! we're finally getting some sunshine here.